Zolotarev V.A.
Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language
Year: 2020
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Pages: 433
ISBN: 978-966-360-421-3
Language: English
How to Cite:
This book is concerned with model representations theory of linear non- selfadjoint and non-unitary operators, one of booming areas of functional analysis. This area owes its origin to fundamental works by M.S. Livˇsic on the theory of characteristic functions, deep studies of B.S.-Nagy and C. Foias on the dilation theory, and also to the Lax—Phillips scattering theory. A uni- form conceptual approach organically uniting all these research areas in the theory of non-selfadjoint and non-unitary operators is developed in this book. New analytic methods that allow solving some important problems from the theory of spectral representations in this area of analysis are also presented in this book. The book is aimed at the specialists working in this area of analysis and is accessible to senior math students of universities.
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