Petrova Zh.O.
Sniezhkin Yu.F.
Slobodianiuk K.S.
National Akademy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Engineering Th ermophysics
Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language
Year: 2021
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Pages: 96
ISBN: 978-966-360-434-3
Language: English
How to Cite:
The monograph is devoted to solving the problem of energy-saving and development of resource-saving heat technology for processing soybeans and their mixtures with carotene-containing raw materials on functional phytoestrogenic food powders. The paper considers modern research and methods of processing phytoestrogenic raw materials. The study of heat and mass transfer processes during convective drying and the study of thermophysical and physicochemical properties of phytoestrogenic raw materials and its proteincarotene mixtures are presented. Innovative heat technology for the production of phytoestrogenic powders based on soybeans, recommended for use in the pharmaceutical, dairy and food industries, has been developed.
The monograph is intended for employees of the food industry, students of higher educational institutions, masters and graduate students of engineering and technical specialties.