Large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction and its impact on global and regional climate variability

A.B. Polonsky


Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language

Year: 2013

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 126


ISBN: 978-966-360-223-3

Language: English

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The monograph generalizes the recent studies of large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction and its impact on global and regional climate variability. Principal Atlantic and Pacific natural climatic signals are discussed. The magnitude of AMO and PDO is the same order as century-scale human-induced climate change and exceeds anthro pogenic change at the decadal scale. Regional manifestations of these oscillations are considered on the example of the Black Sea region. It is concluded that mitigation and adap tation is very important issue not only for the anthropogenic global warming, but also for the natural climate variability.



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