Law and Progress: the Demands of Civil Society

Yu.S. Shemshuchenko

N.M. Onishchenko

N.M. Parkhomenko

S.V. Bobrovnyk

R.P. Lutsky

T.S. Podorozhna

T.I. Tarakhonych

O.L. Boginich

O.L. Lvova

L.O. Makarenko

V.A. Sichevlyuk

S.O. Sunegin

V.Yu. Vasetsky

O.V. Skrypniuk

A.S. Tokarska

B.V. Malyshev


V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the NAS of Ukraine

Project: Scientific book

Year: 2020

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 367


ISBN: 978-966-00-1765-8

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Shemshuchenko, Yu.S., Onishchenko, Yu.S., Parkhomenko, N.M., Bobrovnyk, S.V., Lutsky, R.P., Podorozhna, T.S., Tarakhonych, T.I., Boginich, O.L., Lvova, O.L., Makarenko, L.O., Sichevlyuk, V.A., Sunegin, S.O., Vasetsky, V.Yu. (2020). Law and Progress: the Demands of Civil Society. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 367 p. [in Ukraine].


The monograph focuses on the consideration of such phenomena as law and progress. A separate vector is devoted to the relevance of law and its role in processes of law-state changes. Attention is paid to the issues of theoretical and methodological principles of legal culture and legal progress, ideological factors of progress and ways to overcome regressive phenomena. The role of civil society in the processes of progressive legal change is emphasized.
The monograph is intended for a wide range of readers, including: scientists, politicians, legal practitioners, doctoral students, graduate students, the general public society.



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