Long-term storage of digital information

V.V. Petrov

Z. Le

A.A. Kryuchyn

S.M. Shanoylo

M. Fu

Ie.V. Beliak

D.Y. Manko

A.S. Lapchuk

E.M. Morozov


Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language

Year: 2018

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 148



ISBN: 978-966-360-360-5

Language: English

How to Cite:


Long-term storage of digital information is an important scientific and technical task in the conditions of rapid growth of the amount of information presented in digital form. A key poit of the problem solving is creation of special media for longterm storage of strategically important information, scientific and technical information and information representing national cultural heritage. Special type optical media development from highly stable materials for long-term storage of information is considered.



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