Ukrainian Folk Tale: National Originality of the Text

M. Demedyuk

H. Sokil

N. Pastukh


Ethnology Institute of the NAS of Ukraine

Project: Scientific book

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 163


ISBN: 978-966-00-1759-7

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Demedyuk, M. (2021). Ukrainian Folk Tale: National Originality of the Text. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 163 p. [in Ukraine].


The monograph comprehensively considers the issues of national specifics of Ukrainian folk tales, all genre varieties of this layer of folk prose are analytically covered. The process of adaptation of international stories to the ethnopsychological constants of bearers of oral tradition is traced, changes of motives and plot moves of a folk tale under the influence of traditional material and spiritual culture of Ukrainians are shown. The national features of the characters of the Ukrainian fairy-tale epic, as well as ethnocultural features of stylistics (traditional formulas, artistic means of expression, etiquette constructions) are clarified, which testified to the affinity of folk tales with works of other prose genres and the Ukrainian song tradition.
Intended for folklorists, philologists, ethnolinguists, psychologists, ethnologists and anyone interested in the Ukrainian oral tradition.



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