What Archeological Monuments Tell and Hide

Rozdobudko M.V.


Project: Science for all

Year: 2015

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 303



ISBN: 978-966-360-297-4

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Rozdobudko, M.V. (2015). What Archeological Monuments Tell and Hide. Kyiv, Akademperiodyka. 303 p. http://doi.org/10.15407/akademperiodyka.297.303 [in Ukraine].


The book tells about the various archeological monuments of the Middle Dnipro, which contain still undeciphered information from the distant past. The questions that arise in the study of these monuments and the archaeological cultures to which they belong are no less interesting and fascinating than the mysteries of cultures of distant exotic countries. The answers to these and many other questions can significantly change some established views of our ancient history. The real story is much more interesting than the most patriotic inventions, which we do not lack nowadays.



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