Coastal Zone Resources Management

V.A. Ivanov

E.M. Igumnova

I.E. Timchenko


Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language

Year: 2012

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 304


ISBN: 978-966-360-192-2

Language: English

How to Cite:


The monograph looks into the rational management of coastal zone area (CZA) resources from the standpoint of systems approach. II proposes systems methods of integrated modeling and management of CZA’s ecological and eco­nomic processes, based on rational balance between environmental protection and consumption of biological, recreational and industrial resources. Dynamic models of ecological and economic processes are developed with the new method of adap­tive balance of causes (ABC method). Principal advantages of the new computer- based technology of CZA resources management are demonstrated on a large num­ber of sample scenarios of processes, predicted by the models.



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