Earth Systems Change over Eastern Europe

P. Groisman

V. Lyalko


Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language

Year: 2012

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 488


ISBN: 978-966-360-195-3

Language: English

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The monograph describes present condition and perspectives of investigations of current and forecasting climatic changes, changes of ecosystems and connected with them threats to sustainable development of society. In contrast to most publications in this sphere, the offered monograph is focused on models’ analysis and interpretation of observations results on regional, not on global level, that allows using available data as scientific base for making decisions in the sphere of planning of agricultural politics, risks management, and implementation of adaptation strategy to the global changes and so on.
The monograph will be useful for geologists, geographers, ecologists and other specialists, postgraduates and students, who interested in questions of global and re­gional changes of natural conditions on the Earth.



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4. Movchan D.M. Features of CO2 fluxes balance estimation in vegetation-atmosphere system using remote sensing data at the present stage of geological development of territory of Ukraine. – Thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of geological sciences by speciality 05.07.12 – Remote Aerospace Research – Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Kiev, 2011. – 19 pp. [in Ukrainian].

1. Impacts of Europe’s changing climate – 2008 indicator-based assessment: Joint EEA-JRCWHO report. – EEA, Copenhagen, 2008, European Communities, 2008. – 246 pp.

2. Matviyishyna Zh.M., Gerasymenko N.P., Perederiy V.I. [et al.] Spatio-temporal correlation of Quaternary paleogeographical conditions on territory of Ukraine / Edated by Zh.M. Matviyishyna – K.: Naukova dumka, 2010. – 192 pp. [in Ukrainian].

3. Petit J.R., Jouzel J., Raynaud D. [et al.] Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica // Nature. – 1999. – 399 (6735). – P. 429-436.
4. Movchan D.M. Features of CO2 fluxes balance estimation in vegetation-atmosphere system using remote sensing data at the present stage of geological development of territory of Ukraine. – Thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of geological sciences by speciality 05.07.12 – Remote Aerospace Research – Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Kiev, 2011. – 19 pp. [in Ukrainian].

1. Impacts of Europe’s changing climate – 2008 indicator-based assessment: Joint EEA-JRCWHO report. – EEA, Copenhagen, 2008, European Communities, 2008. – 246 pp.

2. Matviyishyna Zh.M., Gerasymenko N.P., Perederiy V.I. [et al.] Spatio-temporal correlation of Quaternary paleogeographical conditions on territory of Ukraine / Edated by Zh.M. Matviyishyna – K.: Naukova dumka, 2010. – 192 pp. [in Ukrainian].

3. Petit J.R., Jouzel J., Raynaud D. [et al.] Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica // Nature. – 1999. – 399 (6735). – P. 429-436.

4. Movchan D.M. Features of CO2 fluxes balance estimation in vegetation-atmosphere system using remote sensing data at the present stage of geological development of territory of Ukraine. – Thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of geological sciences by speciality 05.07.12 – Remote Aerospace Research – Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Kiev, 2011. – 19 pp. [in Ukrainian].

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5. Lуаlко V.І., Аrtеmenко I.G., Zhоlobак G.М. et al. Research of influence CO2 and CH4 changes in atmosphere over climate using remote sensing data // Geological journal. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 7-16 [in Ukrainian]

6. Movchan D.M. Possibilities of the use of the satellite MODIS data for estimation both the productivity of various types of vegetation and CO2 fluxes in the vegetation-atmosphere system in the example of Ukraine’s territory // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2008. – No. 8. – P. 108-112 [in Ukrainian].

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1. Malhi Y. Carbon in the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere in the 21st century // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. – 2002. – Vol. 360, Number 1801/December 15. – Р. 2925-2945.

2. Gorshkov V.G., Dolnyk V.R. Biosphere energetics // Advances in Physical Sciences. – 1980. – V. 131, № 3. – P. 441-478 [in Russian].

3. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarco A.M. Socio-nature development indicators of Russian regions. – M.: Ltd. PAC «Energiya», 2004. – 96 pp. [in Russian].

4. Kondratyev K.Ya., Krapivin V.F. Global carbon cycle modeling. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2004. – 336 pp. [in Russian].

5. Marchuk G.I., Kondratyev K.Ya. Global ecology priority. – M.: Nauka, 1992. – 264 pp. [in Russian].

6. Kondratyev K.Ya. Ecodynamics and geopolitics. V. 1: Global problems. – Saint Petersburg, 1999. – 1040 pp. [in Russian].

7. Mintzer I.M. A matter of degrees: the potential for controlling the greenhouse effect // World Resources Institute Res. Rep. – 1987. – № 15. – 70 p.

8. Tarco A.M. Anthropogenic changes of global biospheric processes. Mathematical simulation. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2005. – 232 pp. [in Russian].

9. Bun’ R.A., Gusti M.I., Dachuk V.S. et al. Information technologies in greenhouse gases inventory and forecasting of carbon balance in Ukraine / Edited by R.A. Bun’. – Lviv: Ukr. acad. drukarstva, 2004. – 376 pp. [in Ukrainian].

10. Barton C.V.M., North P.R.J. Remote sensing of canopy light use efficiency using the photochemical reflectance index. Model and sensitivity analysis // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2001. – Vol. 78. – P. 264-273.

11. Drolet G.G., Huemmrich K.F. et al. A MODIS-derived photochemical reflectance index to detect inter-annual variations in the photosynthetic light-use efficiency of a boreal deciduous forest // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2005. – Vol. 98. – P. 212-224.

12. Gamon J.A., Huemmrich K.F., Peddle D.R. et. al. Remote sensing in BOREAS: Lessons learned // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2004. – Vol. 89. – P. 139-162.

13. Penuelas J., Filella I., Gamon J.A. Assessment of photosynthetic radiationuse efficiency with spectral reflectance // New Phytologist. – 1995. – Vol. 131. – P. 291-296.

14. Rahman A.F., Gamon J.A., Fuentes D.A. et. al. Modeling spatially distributed ecosystem flux of boreal forest using hyperspectral indices from AVIRIS imagery // J. Geophys. res. – 2001. – Vol. 106, № D24. – 33,579-33,591.

15. Rahman A.F., Gamon J.A., Fuentes D.A. et. al. Modeling CO2 flux of boreal forests using narrow-band indices from AVIRIS imagery // AVIRIS Workshop, JPL/ NASA, Pasadena, California, 2000.

16. Movchan D.M. Possibilities of the use of the satellite MODIS data for estimation both the productivity of various types of vegetation and CO2 fluxes in the vegetation-atmosphere system in the example of Ukraine’s territory // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2008. – No. 8. – P. 108-112 [in Ukrainian].

17. Lуаlко V.І., Аrtеmenко I.G., Zhоlobак G.М. et al. Research of influence CO2 and CH4 changes in atmosphere over climate using remote sensing data // Geological journal. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 7-16 [in Ukrainian].

18. Lyalko V.I., Movchan D.M. Balance computation of CO2 compound for estimation of greenhouse effect for Ukraine with application of multispectral remote sensing data // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 115-120 [in Ukrainian].

1. Malhi Y. Carbon in the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere in the 21st century // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. – 2002. – Vol. 360, Number 1801/December 15. – Р. 2925-2945.

2. Gorshkov V.G., Dolnyk V.R. Biosphere energetics // Advances in Physical Sciences. – 1980. – V. 131, № 3. – P. 441-478 [in Russian].

3. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarco A.M. Socio-nature development indicators of Russian regions. – M.: Ltd. PAC «Energiya», 2004. – 96 pp. [in Russian].

4. Kondratyev K.Ya., Krapivin V.F. Global carbon cycle modeling. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2004. – 336 pp. [in Russian].

5. Marchuk G.I., Kondratyev K.Ya. Global ecology priority. – M.: Nauka, 1992. – 264 pp. [in Russian].

6. Kondratyev K.Ya. Ecodynamics and geopolitics. V. 1: Global problems. – Saint Petersburg, 1999. – 1040 pp. [in Russian].

7. Mintzer I.M. A matter of degrees: the potential for controlling the greenhouse effect // World Resources Institute Res. Rep. – 1987. – № 15. – 70 p.

8. Tarco A.M. Anthropogenic changes of global biospheric processes. Mathematical simulation. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2005. – 232 pp. [in Russian].

9. Bun’ R.A., Gusti M.I., Dachuk V.S. et al. Information technologies in greenhouse gases inventory and forecasting of carbon balance in Ukraine / Edited by R.A. Bun’. – Lviv: Ukr. acad. drukarstva, 2004. – 376 pp. [in Ukrainian].

10. Barton C.V.M., North P.R.J. Remote sensing of canopy light use efficiency using the photochemical reflectance index. Model and sensitivity analysis // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2001. – Vol. 78. – P. 264-273.

11. Drolet G.G., Huemmrich K.F. et al. A MODIS-derived photochemical reflectance index to detect inter-annual variations in the photosynthetic light-use efficiency of a boreal deciduous forest // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2005. – Vol. 98. – P. 212-224.

12. Gamon J.A., Huemmrich K.F., Peddle D.R. et. al. Remote sensing in BOREAS: Lessons learned // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2004. – Vol. 89. – P. 139-162.

13. Penuelas J., Filella I., Gamon J.A. Assessment of photosynthetic radiationuse efficiency with spectral reflectance // New Phytologist. – 1995. – Vol. 131. – P. 291-296.

14. Rahman A.F., Gamon J.A., Fuentes D.A. et. al. Modeling spatially distributed ecosystem flux of boreal forest using hyperspectral indices from AVIRIS imagery // J. Geophys. res. – 2001. – Vol. 106, № D24. – 33,579-33,591.

15. Rahman A.F., Gamon J.A., Fuentes D.A. et. al. Modeling CO2 flux of boreal forests using narrow-band indices from AVIRIS imagery // AVIRIS Workshop, JPL/ NASA, Pasadena, California, 2000.

16. Movchan D.M. Possibilities of the use of the satellite MODIS data for estimation both the productivity of various types of vegetation and CO2 fluxes in the vegetation-atmosphere system in the example of Ukraine’s territory // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2008. – No. 8. – P. 108-112 [in Ukrainian].

17. Lуаlко V.І., Аrtеmenко I.G., Zhоlobак G.М. et al. Research of influence CO2 and CH4 changes in atmosphere over climate using remote sensing data // Geological journal. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 7-16 [in Ukrainian].

18. Lyalko V.I., Movchan D.M. Balance computation of CO2 compound for estimation of greenhouse effect for Ukraine with application of multispectral remote sensing data // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 115-120 [in Ukrainian]..

1. Malhi Y. Carbon in the atmosphere and terrestrial biosphere in the 21st century // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. – 2002. – Vol. 360, Number 1801/December 15. – Р. 2925-2945.

2. Gorshkov V.G., Dolnyk V.R. Biosphere energetics // Advances in Physical Sciences. – 1980. – V. 131, № 3. – P. 441-478 [in Russian].

3. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarco A.M. Socio-nature development indicators of Russian regions. – M.: Ltd. PAC «Energiya», 2004. – 96 pp. [in Russian].

4. Kondratyev K.Ya., Krapivin V.F. Global carbon cycle modeling. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2004. -336 pp. [in Russian].
5. Marchuk G.I., Kondratyev K.Ya. Global ecology priority. – M.: Nauka, 1992. – 264 pp. [in Russian].

6. Kondratyev K.Ya. Ecodynamics and geopolitics. V. 1: Global problems. – Saint Petersburg, 1999. – 1040 pp. [in Russian].

7. Mintzer I.M. A matter of degrees: the potential for controlling the greenhouse effect // World Resources Institute Res. Rep. – 1987. – № 15. – 70 p.

8. Tarco A.M. Anthropogenic changes of global biospheric processes. Mathematical simulation. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2005. – 232 pp. [in Russian].

9. Bun’ R.A., Gusti M.I., Dachuk V.S. et al. Information technologies in greenhouse gases inventory and forecasting of carbon balance in Ukraine / Edited by R.A. Bun’. – Lviv: Ukr. acad. drukarstva, 2004. – 376 pp. [in Ukrainian].

10. Barton C.V.M., North P.R.J. Remote sensing of canopy light use efficiency using the photochemical reflectance index. Model and sensitivity analysis // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2001. – Vol. 78. – P. 264-273.

11. Drolet G.G., Huemmrich K.F. et al. A MODIS-derived photochemical reflectance index to detect inter-annual variations in the photosynthetic light-use efficiency of a boreal deciduous forest // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2005. – Vol. 98. – P. 212-224.

12. Gamon J.A., Huemmrich K.F., Peddle D.R. et. al. Remote sensing in BOREAS: Lessons learned // Remote Sensing of Environment. – 2004. – Vol. 89. – P. 139-162.

13. Penuelas J., Filella I., Gamon J.A. Assessment of photosynthetic radiationuse efficiency with spectral reflectance // New Phytologist. – 1995. – Vol. 131. – P. 291-296.

14. Rahman A.F., Gamon J.A., Fuentes D.A. et. al. Modeling spatially distributed ecosystem flux of boreal forest using hyperspectral indices from AVIRIS imagery // J. Geophys. res. – 2001. – Vol. 106, № D24. – 33,579-33,591.

15. Rahman A.F., Gamon J.A., Fuentes D.A. et. al. Modeling CO2 flux of boreal forests using narrow-band indices from AVIRIS imagery // AVIRIS Workshop, JPL/ NASA, Pasadena, California, 2000.

16. Movchan D.M. Possibilities of the use of the satellite MODIS data for estimation both the productivity of various types of vegetation and CO2 fluxes in the vegetation-atmosphere system in the example of Ukraine’s territory // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2008. – No. 8. – P. 108-112 [in Ukrainian].

17. Lуаlко V.І., Аrtеmenко I.G., Zhоlobак G.М. et al. Research of influence CO2 and CH4 changes in atmosphere over climate using remote sensing data // Geological journal. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 7-16 [in Ukrainian].

18. Lyalko V.I., Movchan D.M. Balance computation of CO2 compound for estimation of greenhouse effect for Ukraine with application of multispectral remote sensing data // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2009. – No. 8. – P. 115-120 [in Ukrainian].

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1. IPCC, 2007. Climate Change. The physical scientific basis. Contribution of working group i to the touctu assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change. Cambridge university press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York. – New York, USA, 2007. – 881 p.

2. Voloshchuk V.M., Boychenko C.H. Response to the season trend of the surface temperature of Ukraine on the global warming of climate// Dopovidi NAN. – Ukraine. – 1998. – № 6. – P. 125-130 [in Ukrainian].

3. Voloshchuk V.M., Boychenko C.H. Impact of the general global climate warming// Dopovidi NAN. – Ukraine. – 1998. – № 6. – P. 125-130 [in Ukrainian].

4. Voloshchuk V.M., Boychenko C.H., Stepanenko S.M., etc. Global warming and climate of Ukraine: regional, ecological, social, and economic aspects. – Kyiv: VPTs “Kyivskyi Universytet”, 2002. – 117 pp. [in Ukrainian].

5. Yeremeiev V.N., Yefimov V.V. The change of climate of Ukraine in the XX-th century// Dopovidi NAN. – Ukraine. – 2003. – № 1. – P. 106-111 [in Russian].

6. New M., Hulme M., Jones P.D. R epresenting twentieth-century – time climate variability: Development of 1901-1996 monthly grids of terrestrial surface // J. Climate. – 2000. – Vol. 13. – P. 2217-2238.<2217:RTCSTC>2.0.CO;2

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9. Gumbol E. Statistics of Extremes. – Moscow: “Mir”, 1965. – 452 pp. [in Russian]

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1. Dickey T., 2002 A vision of oceanographic instrumentation and technologies in the early 21st century, Chapter 9, in Oceans 2020: Science for Future Needs, eds. J.G. Field, G. Hempel, and C.P. Summerhayes, Island Press, Washington, DC, Р. 211-255.

2. May D.A., Parmeter M.M., Olszewski D.S., McKenzie B.D. Operational Processing of Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals at the Naval Oceanographic Office BAMS. – 1998. – 79, № 3. – Р. 397-407.<0397:OPOSSS>2.0.CO;2

3. Bernstein R.L. Sea Surface Temperature Mapping with the SEASAT Microwave Radiometer // J. Geophys. Res. – 1982. – 87. – P. 7865-7872.

4. Stewart R. Methods of Satellite Oceanography Univ. of California Press. – 1985. – Р. 360.

5. Taillade M. Actual performance and capabilities of the ARGOS system // Adv. Space Res., 1978. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 95-110.

6. Global Drifting buoy Observation. A DBCP Implementation Strategy. – UNESCO DBCP Technical Document Series. – 2002. – № 15. – 35 p.

7. Davis R.E., Sherman J.T., Dufour J. Profiling ALACEs and other advances in autonomous subsurface floats // J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., Boston, MA. – 2001. – № 18. – P. 982-993.<0982:PAAOAI>2.0.CO;2

8. Levitus S., Antonov J.I., Wang J., Delworth T.L., Dixon K.W., Broccoli A.J. Anthropogenic warming of Earth’s climate system, Science. – 2001. – 292(5515). – Р. 267-270.

9. Bleck R., Boudra D., 1981: Initial testing of a numerical ncean circulation model using a hybrid (quasi-isopycnic) vertical coordinate. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 11, 755-770.<0755:ITOANO>2.0.CO;2

10. Bleck R., Benjamin S., 1993: Regional weather prediction with a model combining terrain-following and isentropic coordinates. Part I: Model description. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 1770-1785.<1770:RWPWAM>2.0.CO;2

11. Ghil M., P. Malanotte-Rizzoli 1991 Data Assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography, Adv.Geophys., 23, Р. 141-265.

12. Charney J., Halem M., Jastrow R. Use of incomplete historical data to infer the present state of the atmosphere // J. Atmos. Sci. – 1969. – 26, № 5. – Рt. 2. – Р. 1160-1163.<1160:UOIHDT>2.0.CO;2

13. Hurlburt H.E. Dynamic transfer of simulated altimeter data into subsurface information by a numerical ocean model // J. Geophys. Res. – 1986. – 91. – P. 2372-2400.448

14. Thompson Altimeter data and geoid error in mesoscale ocean prediction: Some results from a primitive equation model // J. Geophys. Res. – 1986. – № 91. – P. 2401-2417.

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16. Gangopadhyay A., Robinson A.R. Circulation and dynamics of the western North Atlantic. Part III: Forecasting the meanders and rings // J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. – 1997. – № 14. – P. 1352-1365.<1352:CADOTW>2.0.CO;2

17. Sarmiento J.L., Bryan K. An ocean transport model for the North Atlantic // J. Geophys. Res. – 1982. – 87. – P. 394-408.

18. F.-X. Lе Delmet et O.Talagrand. Variational algorithms for analysis and assimilation of meteorological observations: theoretical aspects. Tellus, 1986. -38 A: 97. – 110 р.

19. J.-C. Gilbert, C. Lemaréchal, 1995 The modules M1QN3 and N1QN3. Version 2.0c., Tech. Rep., INRIA.

20. Koblinsky C.J., Ray R., Beckley B.D., Brenner A., Tsaoussi L., Y.M. Wang. NASA Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Project. Report 2: Data Set Validation. NASA TM – 1999 – 209230, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. – 56 p. – http://

21. Korotaev G.K., Saenko O.A., Koblinsky C.J. Satellite altimetry observations of the Black Sea level. 2001 Journ. Geoph. Res. V. 106 N C1 pp 917-933.

22. Korotaev G.K., Oguz T., Nikiforov A.A., Koblinsky C.J. Seasonal, interannual and mesoscale variability of the Black Sea upper layer circulation derived from altimeter data. Journ. Geoph. Res. 2003 Vol. 108 N C4.

23. Korotaev G.K., Oguz T., Koblinsky C.J. Variability of the Black Sea dynamics observed by space altimetry. 2003

24. Ratner Yu.B., Stanichny S.V., Solov’ev D.M. Comparison of the values of the Black Sea surface temperature obtained from the data of the NOAA AVHRR-3 equipment and SVP-drifters in March-August 2003. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V.11 Sevastopol 2004 pp. 155-173 (in Russian)

25. Ratner Yu.B., Bayankina T.M. Comparison of the surface temperature values obtained from the model of the Black Sea dynamics and the data of SVP-drifters in March-August 2003. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol, 2004. P. 51-62 (in Russian)

26. Eremeev V.N., Horton E., Motyzhev S.V., Poulain P.-M. Poyarkov S.G., Soloviev D.M., Stanichny S.V., Zatsepin A.G. Studies of Black Sea macro- and mesoscale circulation with application of SVP and SVP-B drifters. Present results and future plans. Development in Buoy Technology, Communications and Data Applications, UNESCO DВCP CD ROM Technical Document Series. – No. 21-2002. Article No. 8, P. 1-9.

27. Tolstosheev A.P., Lunev E.G., Korotaev G.K., Motyzhev S.V. Thermoprofiling drifting buoy. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol, 2004. P. 143-154 (in Russian).

28. Komarovskaya O.I., Efimov V., Barabanov V.S. The wind fields estimation for storm situations in the Black Sea using a numerical model of the regional atmosferic circulation. Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007. – № 7. – P. 74-80.

29. Korotaev G., Cordoneanu E., Dorofeyev V. et al. Near-operational Black Sea nowcasting / forecasting system. In: European Operational Oceanography: Present and Future. 4th EuroGOOS Conference. 6-9 June 2005, Brest, France. 2006. P. 8.

30. Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K. Numerical energy-balanced model of baroclinic currents in the ocean with bottom topography on the C-grid. In: Numerical models and results of intercalibration simulations in the Atlantic ocean. Moscow, 1992, pp. 163-231 [in Russian].449

6.18. Towards detailed documentation of water, soil, and air quality for Ukraine

31. Dorofeyev V.L., Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K. Eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation . In “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” (A.I.Felzenbaum memorial volume), 2001, Sevastopol, p. 71-82 [in Russian].

32. Oguz T., H. Ducklow, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, J.W. Murray V.I. Vedernikov, U. Unluata (1999a). A physical-biochemical model of plankton productivity and nitrogen cycling in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research, I, 46, 597-636.

33. Oguz T., U. Unluata, H.W. Ducklow, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (1999b) Modeling the Black Sea pelagic ecosystem and biogeochemical structure: A synthesis of recent studies. In: “Environmental Degradation of the Black Sea: Challenges and Remedies”, S. Besiktepe, U. Unluata and A. Bologa (Ed’s). NATO ASI Series,i 2-56, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 197-224.

34. Oguz T., J.W. Murray, A. Callahan (2001a) “Simulation of Suboxic-Anoxic interface zone structure in the Black Sea”. Deep Sea Research I, 48, 761-787.

35. Oguz T., H.W. Ducklow, J.E. Purcell, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (2001b) “Simulation of recent changes in the Black Sea pelagic food web structure due to top-down control by gelatinous carnivores”. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 4543-4564.

36. Lamb G. Hydrodinamics / edited by Slezkina N.A. – Gostehizdat. – 1947. – 928 p.

37. Korotaev G.K., Dorofeev V.L., Smirnova T.Yu. Accuracy of the diagnosis of surface currents in the system of the Black Sea satellite monitoring. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol 2004 pp. 75-92 [in Russian].

38. Dorofeev V.L., Korotaev G.K. Validation of the results of modeling the Black Sea circulation based on the data of floating buoys. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V.11 Sevastopol 2004a pp. 63-74 [in Russian].

39. Dorofeev V.L., Korotaev G.K. Assimilation of the satellite altimetry data in the eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation, Marine Hydrophys. Journ. 2004b, N 1 pp. 52-68 [in Russian].
40. Kubryakov A.I., A. Grigoriev, A. Kordzadze, G. Korotaev, S. Stefanescu, D. Trukhchev, V. Fomin (2006). Nowcasting/Forecasting subsystem of the circulation in the Black Sea nearshore regions. European Operational Oceanography: Present and Future, Proceedings of 4th EuroGOOS Conference. EuroGOOS Office and European Commission, 605-610.

41. Kubryakov A.I. (2004) Application of nested grid technology at the development of the monitoring system of hydrophysical fields in the Black Sea coastal areas (In Russian). Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of shelf resources. Issue 11, NAS of the Ukraine. Eds.: Korotaev G. K., Kubryakov A. I., Sevastopol, pp. 31-50.

42. Kubryakov A.I., G. Korotaev, V. Dorofeyev, T. Oguz. The Black Sea Training System. 5thEuroGOOS Conference. Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. 20-22 May 2008, Exeter, UK, p. 165.

1. Dickey T., 2002 A vision of oceanographic instrumentation and technologies in the early 21st century, Chapter 9, in Oceans 2020: Science for Future Needs, eds. J.G. Field, G. Hempel, and C.P. Summerhayes, Island Press, Washington, DC, Р. 211-255.

2. May D.A., Parmeter M.M., Olszewski D.S., McKenzie B.D. Operational Processing of Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals at the Naval Oceanographic Office BAMS. – 1998. – 79, № 3. – Р. 397-407.<0397:OPOSSS>2.0.CO;2

3. Bernstein R.L. Sea Surface Temperature Mapping with the SEASAT Microwave Radiometer // J. Geophys. Res. – 1982. – 87. – P. 7865-7872.

4. Stewart R. Methods of Satellite Oceanography Univ. of California Press. – 1985. – Р. 360.

5. Taillade M. Actual performance and capabilities of the ARGOS system // Adv. Space Res., 1978. Vol. 1. № 4. P. 95-110.

6. Global Drifting buoy Observation. A DBCP Implementation Strategy. – UNESCO DBCP Technical Document Series. – 2002. – № 15. – 35 p.

7. Davis R.E., Sherman J.T., Dufour J. Profiling ALACEs and other advances in autonomous subsurface floats // J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., Boston, MA. – 2001. – № 18. – P. 982-993.<0982:PAAOAI>2.0.CO;2

8. Levitus S., Antonov J.I., Wang J., Delworth T.L., Dixon K.W., Broccoli A.J. Anthropogenic warming of Earth’s climate system, Science. – 2001. – 292(5515). – Р. 267-270.

9. Bleck R., Boudra D., 1981: Initial testing of a numerical ncean circulation model using a hybrid (quasi-isopycnic) vertical coordinate. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 11, 755-770.<0755:ITOANO>2.0.CO;2

10. Bleck R., Benjamin S., 1993: Regional weather prediction with a model combining terrain-following and isentropic coordinates. Part I: Model description. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 1770-1785.<1770:RWPWAM>2.0.CO;2

11. Ghil M., P. Malanotte-Rizzoli 1991 Data Assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography, Adv.Geophys., 23, Р. 141-265.

12. Charney J., Halem M., Jastrow R. Use of incomplete historical data to infer the present state of the atmosphere // J. Atmos. Sci. – 1969. – 26, № 5. – Рt. 2. – Р. 1160-1163.<1160:UOIHDT>2.0.CO;2

13. Hurlburt H.E. Dynamic transfer of simulated altimeter data into subsurface information by a numerical ocean model // J. Geophys. Res. – 1986. – 91. – P. 2372-2400.448

14. Thompson Altimeter data and geoid error in mesoscale ocean prediction: Some results from a primitive equation model // J. Geophys. Res. – 1986. – № 91. – P. 2401-2417.

15. De Mey P., Robinson A.R. Assimilation of altimeter eddy field in a limited-area quasi-geostrophic model // J. Phys. Oceanogr. – 1987. – № 17. – P. 2280- 2293.<2280:AOAEFI>2.0.CO;2

16. Gangopadhyay A., Robinson A.R. Circulation and dynamics of the western North Atlantic. Part III: Forecasting the meanders and rings // J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. – 1997. – № 14. – P. 1352-1365.<1352:CADOTW>2.0.CO;2

17. Sarmiento J.L., Bryan K. An ocean transport model for the North Atlantic // J. Geophys. Res. – 1982. – 87. – P. 394-408.

18. F.-X. Lе Delmet et O.Talagrand. Variational algorithms for analysis and assimilation of meteorological observations: theoretical aspects. Tellus, 1986. -38 A: 97. – 110 р.

19. J.-C. Gilbert, C. Lemaréchal, 1995 The modules M1QN3 and N1QN3. Version 2.0c., Tech. Rep., INRIA.

20. Koblinsky C.J., Ray R., Beckley B.D., Brenner A., Tsaoussi L., Y.M. Wang. NASA Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Project. Report 2: Data Set Validation. NASA TM – 1999 – 209230, NASAGoddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. – 56 p. – http://

21. Korotaev G.K., Saenko O.A., Koblinsky C.J. Satellite altimetry observations of the Black Sea level. 2001 Journ. Geoph. Res. V. 106 N C1 pp 917-933.

22. Korotaev G.K., Oguz T., Nikiforov A.A., Koblinsky C.J. Seasonal, interannual and mesoscale variability of the Black Sea upper layer circulation derived from altimeter data. Journ. Geoph. Res. 2003 Vol. 108 N C4.

23. Korotaev G.K., Oguz T., Koblinsky C.J. Variability of the Black Sea dynamics observed by space altimetry. 2003

24. Ratner Yu.B., Stanichny S.V., Solov’ev D.M. Comparison of the values of the Black Sea surface temperature obtained from the data of the NOAA AVHRR-3 equipment and SVP-drifters in March-August 2003. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V.11 Sevastopol 2004 pp. 155-173 (in Russian)

25. Ratner Yu.B., Bayankina T.M. Comparison of the surface temperature values obtained from the model of the Black Sea dynamics and the data of SVP-drifters in March-August 2003. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol, 2004. P. 51-62 (in Russian)

26. Eremeev V.N., Horton E., Motyzhev S.V., Poulain P.-M. Poyarkov S.G., Soloviev D.M., Stanichny S.V., Zatsepin A.G. Studies of Black Sea macro- and mesoscale circulation with application of SVP and SVP-B drifters. Present results and future plans. Development in Buoy Technology, Communications and Data Applications, UNESCO DВCP CD ROM Technical Document Series. – No. 21-2002. Article No. 8, P. 1-9.

27. Tolstosheev A.P., Lunev E.G., Korotaev G.K., Motyzhev S.V. Thermoprofiling drifting buoy. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol, 2004. P. 143-154 (in Russian).

28. Komarovskaya O.I., Efimov V., Barabanov V.S. The wind fields estimation for storm situations in the Black Sea using a numerical model of the regional atmosferic circulation. Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007. – № 7. – P. 74-80.

29. Korotaev G., Cordoneanu E., Dorofeyev V. et al. Near-operational Black Sea nowcasting / forecasting system. In: European Operational Oceanography: Present and Future. 4th EuroGOOS Conference. 6-9 June 2005, Brest, France. 2006. P. 8.

30. Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K. Numerical energy-balanced model of baroclinic currents in the ocean with bottom topography on the C-grid. In: Numerical models and results of intercalibration simulations in the Atlantic ocean. Moscow, 1992, pp. 163-231 [in Russian].44

31. Dorofeyev V.L., Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K. Eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation . In “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” (A.I.Felzenbaum memorial volume), 2001, Sevastopol, p. 71-82 [in Russian].

32. Oguz T., H. Ducklow, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, J.W. Murray V.I. Vedernikov, U. Unluata (1999a). A physical-biochemical model of plankton productivity and nitrogen cycling in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research, I, 46, 597-636.

33. Oguz T., U. Unluata, H.W. Ducklow, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (1999b) Modeling the Black Sea pelagic ecosystem and biogeochemical structure: A synthesis of recent studies. In: “Environmental Degradation of the Black Sea: Challenges and Remedies”, S. Besiktepe, U. Unluata and A. Bologa (Ed’s). NATO ASI Series,i 2-56, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 197-224.

34. Oguz T., J.W. Murray, A. Callahan (2001a) “Simulation of Suboxic-Anoxic interface zone structure in the Black Sea”. Deep Sea Research I, 48, 761-787.

35. Oguz T., H.W. Ducklow, J.E. Purcell, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (2001b) “Simulation of recent changes in the Black Sea pelagic food web structure due to top-down control by gelatinous carnivores”. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 4543-4564.

36. Lamb G. Hydrodinamics / edited by Slezkina N.A. – Gostehizdat. – 1947. – 928 p.

37. Korotaev G.K., Dorofeev V.L., Smirnova T.Yu. Accuracy of the diagnosis of surface currents in the system of the Black Sea satellite monitoring. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol 2004 pp. 75-92 [in Russian].

38. Dorofeev V.L., Korotaev G.K. Validation of the results of modeling the Black Sea circulation based on the data of floating buoys. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V.11 Sevastopol 2004a pp. 63-74 [in Russian].

39. Dorofeev V.L., Korotaev G.K. Assimilation of the satellite altimetry data in the eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation, Marine Hydrophys. Journ. 2004b, N 1 pp. 52-68 [in Russian].

40. Kubryakov A.I., A. Grigoriev, A. Kordzadze, G. Korotaev, S. Stefanescu, D. Trukhchev, V. Fomin (2006). Nowcasting/Forecasting subsystem of the circulation in the Black Sea nearshore regions. European Operational Oceanography: Present and Future, Proceedings of 4th EuroGOOS Conference. EuroGOOS Office and European Commission, 605-610.

41. Kubryakov A.I. (2004) Application of nested grid technology at the development of the monitoring system of hydrophysical fields in the Black Sea coastal areas (In Russian). Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of shelf resources. Issue 11, NAS of the Ukraine. Eds.: Korotaev G. K., Kubryakov A. I., Sevastopol, pp. 31-50.

42. Kubryakov A.I., G. Korotaev, V. Dorofeyev, T. Oguz. The Black Sea Training System. 5thEuroGOOS Conference. Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. 20-22 May 2008, Exeter, UK, p. 165.

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31. Dorofeyev V.L., Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K. Eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation . In “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources”(A.I.Felzenbaum memorial volume), 2001, Sevastopol, p. 71-82 [in Russian].

32. Oguz T., H. Ducklow, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, J.W. Murray V.I. Vedernikov, U. Unluata (1999a).A physical-biochemical model of plankton productivity and nitrogen cycling in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research, I, 46, 597-636.

33. Oguz T., U. Unluata, H.W. Ducklow, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (1999b) Modeling the Black Sea pelagic ecosystem and biogeochemical structure: A synthesis of recent studies. In: “Environmental Degradation of the Black Sea: Challenges and Remedies”, S. Besiktepe, U. Unluata and A. Bologa (Ed’s). NATO ASI Series,i 2-56, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 197-224.

34. Oguz T., J.W. Murray, A. Callahan (2001a) “Simulation of Suboxic-Anoxic interface zone structure in the Black Sea”. Deep Sea Research I, 48, 761-787.

35. Oguz T., H.W. Ducklow, J.E. Purcell, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (2001b) “Simulation of recent changes in the Black Sea pelagic food web structure due to top-down control by gelatinous carnivores”. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 4543-4564.

36. Lamb G. Hydrodinamics / edited by Slezkina N.A. – Gostehizdat. – 1947. – 928 p.

37. Korotaev G.K., Dorofeev V.L., Smirnova T.Yu. Accuracy of the diagnosis of surface currents in the system of the Black Sea satellite monitoring. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V. 11 Sevastopol 2004 pp. 75-92 [in Russian].

38. Dorofeev V.L., Korotaev G.K. Validation of the results of modeling the Black Sea circulation based on the data of floating buoys. In: “Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources” V.11 Sevastopol 2004a pp. 63-74 [in Russian].

39. Dorofeev V.L., Korotaev G.K. Assimilation of the satellite altimetry data in the eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation, Marine Hydrophys. Journ. 2004b, N 1 pp. 52-68 [in Russian].

40. Kubryakov A.I., A. Grigoriev, A. Kordzadze, G. Korotaev, S. Stefanescu, D. Trukhchev, V. Fomin (2006). Nowcasting/Forecasting subsystem of the circulation in the Black Sea nearshore regions. European Operational Oceanography: Present and Future, Proceedings of 4th EuroGOOS Conference. EuroGOOS Office and European Commission, 605-610.

41. Kubryakov A.I. (2004) Application of nested grid technology at the development of the monitoring system of hydrophysical fields in the Black Sea coastal areas (In Russian). Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of shelf resources. Issue 11, NAS of the Ukraine. Eds.: Korotaev G. K., Kubryakov A. I., Sevastopol, pp. 31-50.

42. Kubryakov A.I., G. Korotaev, V. Dorofeyev, T. Oguz. The Black Sea Training System. 5thEuroGOOS Conference. Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. 20-22 May 2008, Exeter, UK, p. 165.

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