Features of hydrogen storage in a solid and phase transformations in metal hydrides with different crystal structures


V.Yu. Storizhko
Institute of Applied Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Sumy,

Yu.I. Zhirko
Institute of Applied Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Sumy,

D. V. Schur
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Institute of Applied Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Sumy,
N. A. Gavrylyuk

Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv,

Al.D. Zolotarenko
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv,

An.D. Zolotarenko
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv,



Anatoliy Vyacheslavovich Minitskyi
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Academic Council, First Deputy Director of the E.O. Paton Institute of Materials Science and Welding, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Volodymyr Ivanovych Ivashchenko
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Materials Science of Refractory Compounds, Institute of Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine

Oleksandr Dmytrovych Rud
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Head of the Department “Physics of Dispersed Systems” of the G.V. Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine




Project: Scientific book

Year: 2024

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 528



ISBN: 978-966-00-1962-1

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:


At each stage of human development, new technical capabilities appear that allow obtaining new, more complete and reliable experimental results.

When considering the state of a solid, both experimental data and theoretical interpretation of the results obtained are equally important. A comprehensive, complex consideration of the processes occurring can give a relatively objective idea of the state of matter.

In this monograph, theoretical calculations are carried out from the standpoint of molecular-kinetic theory. Molecular-kinetic theory allows us to clarify the main characteristic features of such phenomena in alloys as atomic ordering, atomic diffusion, solubility of atoms in alloys, decomposition of alloys, plastic deformation of metals, heat capacity of alloys, etc.

Metal-hydrogen systems are interesting both from a scientific and from an applied point of view. The extreme simplicity of the electronic structure, the small mass and the geometric size of hydrogen atoms make the “metal – hydrogen” systems exceptionally interesting for studying a wide range of problems of modern solid-state physical chemistry. The high mobility of hydrogen in metals makes these systems unique in terms of diffusion, atomic transport phenomena during phase transformations.

The studies described in the fifth section of this monograph are significantly ahead of modern technological progress. The results of these studies will be relevant when interplanetary and interstellar flights become commonplace. It is currently known that important components of outer space are substances in the plasma state. This is mainly atomic hydrogen. Therefore, it is very important to know the behavior of structural materials that make up the skin of aircraft (titanium-based alloys and others), and to study the processes that occur when they interact with plasma flows. Thus, the material presented in this section is of exceptional importance for structural materials that can be used in outer space.


Hydrogen, solid, hydride, hydrogen capacity, solubility, atomic ordering, atomic diffusion, solubility of atoms in alloys, decomposition of alloys, plastic deformation of metals, heat capacity of alloys


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