O.I. Vasetska
S.O. Sokolova
L. M. Marchuk
O.V. Maksymyuk
Institute for the Ukrainian Language of the NAS of Ukraine
Year: 2021
Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"
Pages: 222
ISBN: 978-966-00-1788-7
Language: Ukrainian
How to Cite:
Vasetska, O.I. (2021). Polylexia of Syntax Terms of the Ukrainian Language. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 222 p. [in Ukraine].
The monograph, for the first time in Ukrainian linguistics, systematically analyzes the syntactic terminology system in the aspect of variance; the analysis of the nature of variable phenomena is explained from the standpoint of a broad interpretation of variance, i.e. variants are recognized terms that express the same concept in different ways. At the same time, in order to distinguish the phenomena of the presence of several nominations for one concept (narrow variance) and several meanings of one concept (polysemy), the concept of “polylexia” is introduced; the metalanguage of the modern theory of variance is specified, in particular the volume of the basic concepts of variantology (variantology, variance, polylexia, variant, synonym, doublet, etc.) is revised; the concept of “conceptual synonyms” is introduced into scientific circulation and a method of analysis of this type of terms-variants is developed. The terms polylexic series, synonymous series and doublet series are proposed to distinguish the types of term associations.
Intended for linguists, specialists in various fields of knowledge, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers and students of philological faculties.