The Mechanisms of Formation of Thin Films and Coatings Deposited by Physical Vapor Deposition Technology

L.R. Shaginyan


Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language

Year: 2017

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 174


ISBN: 978-966-360-326-1

Language: English

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Explosive development of contemporary plasma based thin film and coating technologies resulted in expanding thin film/coating uses in diverse areas like micro- and optoelectronics, communications and information processing technology, storage and display applications, all kinds of coatings (optical, decorative, environ­mental and wear resistant), biotechnology, generation and conservation of energy.
Suggesting book is an attempt to fill the gap between great amount of literature devoted to applied and technological problems of films and coatings and the lack of fundamental knowledge about mechanisms of film/coating formation.



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