Arithmetic of matrices over rings


Shchedryk V.P.



Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 278


ISBN: 978-966-360-430-5

Language: English

How to Cite:

Shchedryk, V. (2021) Arithmetic of matrices over rings. Kyiv, PH “Akademperiodyka”. 278p. [in Ukrainian].


The book is devoted to investigation of arithmetic of the matrix rings over certain classes of commutative finitely generated principal ideals do- mains. We mainly concentrate on constructing of the matrix factorization theory. We reveal a close relationship between the matrix factorization and specific properties of subgroups of the complete linear group and the special normal form of matrices with respect to unilateral equivalence. The properties of matrices over rings of stable range 1.5 are thoroughly studied.

The book is intended for experts in the ring theory and linear algebra, senior and post-graduate students.



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