Dynamics of structured geomedia: theory, models, experiment


S.V. Mykulyak
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, NASU, Ukraine, Kyiv


O.V. Kendzera
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, NASU, Ukraine, Kyiv

O.S. Makarenko
Institute of Applied System Analysis. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

O.O. Verpakhovska
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, NASU, Ukraine, Kyiv


Project: Scientific book

Year: 2024

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 204



ISBN: 978-966-00-1921-8

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:


The monograph is devoted to studying the dynamics of structured media taking into account their discrete and hierarchical structures. The geomedia in question include a wide class of naturally occurring discrete rock massifs, from granular rock massifs like sand to highly heterogeneous and fragmented areas such as seismically active zones. Research is carried out within the framework of the approach in which the geomedium is interpreted as a complex discrete system with a hierarchical structure and nonlinear and dissipative interaction between structural elements. Discrete models are used to study the dynamics of structured media since continuous models can’t reproduce the full variety of dynamic behavior of such media. In addition, for a hierarchical medium, it is impossible to perform averaging when moving to a continuous description due to the lack of a small parameter. Models are proposed that account for the hierarchical structure of media, particularly, the model of nested oscillators and the block model of earthquakes, which reproduces all the main empirical properties of seismic processes. The processes of propagation of nonlinear waves in discrete media and the formation of wave structures in them are considered in detail.

Experiments with dynamic deformation of granular massifs are presented in which the nature of intergranular interaction and their deformation properties are investigated.  Numerical modeling of such dynamic deformation confirms the experimental results regarding the existence of correlations of intergranular interaction forces, and the calculated time dependences of the coordination number, orientational order parameter, correlation radius, and distribution of intergranular forces demonstrate the non-equilibrium nature of the process of dynamic deformation of the granular medium.

Considerable attention in the monograph is devoted to the study of shear deformation of the granular medium. Experiments and numerous simulations prove a statistical similarity in the shear deformation of granular media and natural seismic processes. Therefore the study of shear deformation of granular media provides a better understanding of the occurrence and properties of earthquakes.

The book is aimed at students, post-graduate students, teachers of higher scientific institutions, and researchers whose scientific interests cover areas such as geophysics and the physics of complex systems.


discrete geomedia, nonlinear waves, hierarchical structure, granular medium, earthquake


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