Electromagnetic Control of Underground Pipelines Insulation

R.M. Dzhala

L.P. Dykmarova

V.R. Dzhala

B.YA. Verbenets

V.Yu. Maksymchuk

V.I. Pokhmurskyy


Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine

Project: Scientific book

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 256


ISBN: 978-966-00-1762-7

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Dzhala, R.M., Dykmarova, L.P., Dzhala, V.R., Verbenets, B.YA. (2021). Electromagnetic Control of Underground Pipelines Insulation. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 256 p. [in Ukraine].


The monograph is devoted to the actual problem of operative inspections of underground pipelines (UP) without excavation. The methods of non-destructive control of protective coatings of metallic UP are considered. A triune mathematical model of the electromagnetic field of UP is proposed. Informative features of the field are investigated, and the physical bases of methods for determining the parameters of UP insulation according to the characteristics of the EM field distribution over the track are developed. The known methods are classified and analyzed and new methods for determining the transient resistance of the UP section and its components are proposed. A new criterion for the detection of unsatisfactory insulation is proposed. The integral, differential and local methods of control of the state of anti-corrosion protection of UP by contactless measurements of currents with rational use of contact electrometry are described. Examples of UP surveys are given.
Intended for scientists, specialists and postgraduate students in the field of electrodynamics, anti-corrosion protection, non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics.



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