Conflicts in the Cities of Ukraine

A.A. Mozhovyy

V.I. Nudelman

Ya.B. Oliynyk

M.O. Baranovsky


Institute of Geography of the NAS of Ukraine

Project: Scientific book

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 219


ISBN: 978-966-00-1780-1

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Mozhovyy, A.A. (2021). Conflicts in the Cities of Ukraine. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 219 p. [in Ukraine].


The monograph is dedicated to the geographical study of conflicts in the urban space of Ukrainian cities. In this thesis, a city is considered as a complex territorial system. It is proven by the examples of the big Ukrainian cities by using the content and event-analysis in the geographic, studies of conflict of urban space. In the process of studying urban conflicts we also demarcated such concepts as “conflict situation”, “frequency of conflicts” and “risk of conflicts” and made a conclusion that conflicts are a prerequisite for urban development. The problem of sustainable development of Ukrainian cities and urbanized territories is not finding new resources, but managing the existing resources in an innovative and environmental friendly way. Ukrainian hierarchy of urban settlements is not perfect both at structural and functional level. It does not respond to urbanization challenges. It leads to the creation of such special forms of territorial organization as urbanized territories. It should be noted that, being centers of innovation, cities and urbanized territories have development potential for the promotion of resource-saving urban policy: an important element of the national strategy for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
Intended for a wide range of professionals in urban studies, geographers, sociologists, economists, professors, graduate and students.



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