Adjamskiy Sergey – PhD, chief designer. LLC «Additive Laser Technology of Ukraine», st. Serhiy Podolinsky, 31b, 49100, Dnipro, Ukraine.
ResearcherID: 57222181613
Kononenko Ganna – Doct. technical science, scientific secretary, materials engineer. Institute of Iron and Steel of Z.I. Nekrasov NAS of Ukraine, Sq. Ak. Starodubova, 1, 49107, LLC «Additive Laser Technology of Ukraine», st. Serhiy Podolinsky, 31b, 49100, Dnipro, Ukraine.
ResearcherID: 7007038178
Podolskyi Rostislav – PhD-student, Junior researcher, materials engineer. Ukrainian state university of science and technologies, 4 Gagarina Ave., 49000, Institute of Iron and Steel of Z.I. Nekrasov NAS of Ukraine, Sq. Ak. Starodubova, 1, 49107, LLC «Additive Laser Technology of Ukraine», st. Serhiy Podolinsky, 31b, 49100, Dnipro, Ukraine.
ResearcherID: 57244145000
Badyuk Sergey – PhD, process engineer. LLC «Additive Laser Technology of Ukraine», st. Serhiy Podolinsky, 31b, 49100, Dnipro, Ukraine.
ResearcherID: 55808862200
F. Sanin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the head of the department Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar. Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar, Dnipro, Ukraine, Gagarina Avenue, 72, 49000.
ResearcherID: 7005800076
M. Volchuk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the head of the department State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture”. State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture”, Dnipro, Ukraine, Chernyshevsky street, 24a, 49600.
ResearcherID: 57198819273
V. Parusov, Doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher, head of the department Iron and Steel Institute of Z. I. Nekrasov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Iron and Steel Institute of Z. I. Nekrasov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine, Sq. Ak. Starodubova, 1, 49107.
ResearcherID: 8367262600
Project: Scientific book
Year: 2022
Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"
Pages: 116
ISBN: 978-966-00-1856-3
Language: Ukrainian
How to Cite:
Adjamskiy,S., Kononenko,G., Podolskyi,R., Badyuk,S. (2022) Implementation Of Selective Laser Melting Technology In Ukraine. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 116p. [in Ukrainian].
Additive technologies make it possible to provide high quality products (accuracy and uniqueness of geometry, high complex of mechanical properties, high density (low porosity), uniformity of microstructure and chemical composition). A wide range of materials used allows it to find application in such industries as medical and dental, engineering, automotive and aerospace.
At present, technological capabilities, the development of laser technologies and CAD modeling systems have made it possible to develop devices for building parts by loading the original CAD model and fusing metal powder using a laser in accordance with it – what is today called SLM technology.
During this process, the metal powder is completely melted under the influence of high-power laser radiation with the formation of a metal layer that contains almost no pores and does not require further processing, which makes it possible to achieve a level of mechanical properties of the product equal to or even better than those of cast ones.
To create advanced equipment and professional control of the process of manufacturing parts, a deep understanding of the processes occurring in the melt pool under the laser beam and after hardening is necessary. At the same time, the final quality of products manufactured using SLM technology depends on many factors that can be divided into main groups: equipment (calibration, laser power, energy distribution in the beam, powder application system, shielding gas supply, distribution and purification system, system ensuring the tightness of the chamber, etc.), material (sphericity, dispersion, bulk density, fluidity, properties, handling, etc. of metal powder), process parameters, geometry features of the part, finishing.
Prospects for the development of technology in Ukraine are associated with the development of new structural materials, solving topology optimization problems, prototyping, studying the properties of materials and creating the latest production solutions in the field of additive technologies.
additive manufacturing, selective laser melting, equipment, technological parameters, mechanical properties, heat treatment
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