Diamond Abrasive Treatment: How to Overcome Established Myths

Lavrinenko V.I.


Project: Science for all

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”

Pages: 366



ISBN: 978-966-360-427-5

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Lavrinenko, V.I. (2021). Diamond Abrasive Treatment: How to Overcome Established Myths. Kyiv, Akademperiodyka. 366 p. https://doi.org/10.15407/akademperiodyka.427.366 [in Ukraine].


The book describes the myths and misconceptions that have developed over the past fifty years in studies of diamond abrasive processes using the hardest materials (diamonds and cubic boron nitride). Ways to overcome these myths are shown. This will help to build a more realistic theoretical basis for the further development of new processes using tools made of superhard materials. Modern ideas about the procces of treatment with abrasive tools from superhard materials, features of their effective application on the example of developments of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are covered.

The book is intended for schoolchildren, students, engineers and technicians who are interested in the effective use of superhard abrasives for treatment of various materials in everyday life and production conditions.



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