Radiation-Stimulated Redox Processes Involving Iron in Minerals

V.P. Ivanytsky

O.B. Bryk

О.М. Ponomarenko

A.G. Bilous

O.A. Schreiber


M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the NAS of Ukraine

Project: Scientific book

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 437


ISBN: 978-966-00-1749-8

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Ivanytsky, V.P., Bryk, O.B., Ponomarenko, О.М. (2021). Radiation-Stimulated Redox Processes Involving Iron in Minerals. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 437 p. [in Ukrainian].


The monograph presents new developments in methods for determining energy indicators efficiency at different hierarchical levels, taking into account the impact of environmental factors, methodical approaches to determination of potentials of energy saving are given: structural (for changes in the structure of the economy as a whole and the structure of industrial sections of the economy) and technological (theoretical, technically possible and economically feasible) on different hierarchical levels of the economy. Improved methods of demand forecasting for energy resources (regulatory and direct accounts) at different hierarchical levels economy, as well as a comprehensive method that allows reconciling the forecasts obtained at different hierarchical levels on the relevant indicators, increase the accuracy of the received forecasts, reduce the quantity of forecast variants are proposed. Forecast estimates are given for demand for fuel (in general, coal, natural gas, petroleum products), electricity energy, thermal energy until 2040.
Intended for scientific and engineering workers who deal with problems of assessment of energy efficiency, energy saving and energy consumption forecasting, as well as for teachers, graduate students and students of relevant specialties.



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