І.М. Karp
Ye.Ye. Nikitin
K.Ye Pyanykh
O.I. Sigal
S.V. Dubrovsky
G.G. Geletukha
M.V. Tarnovsky
O.V. Dutka
V.I. Zubenko
I.S. Komkov
Ye.M. Oliynyk
D.Yu. Paderno
K.K. Pyanykh
O.E. Silakin
M.V. Stepanov
V.M. Fedorenko
Reviewers: Yu.P. Morozov
V.A. Zhovtyanskyi
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the NAS of Ukraine
Project: Scientific book
Year: 2021
Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"
Pages: 262
ISBN: 978-966-00-1760-3
Language: Ukrainian
How to Cite:
Karp, І.М., Nikitin, Ye.Ye., Pyanykh, K.Ye., Sigal, O.I., Dubrovsky, S.V., Geletukha, G.G., Tarnovsky, M.V., Dutka, O.V., Zubenko, V.I., Komkov, I.S., Oliynyk, Ye.M., Paderno, D.Yu., Pyanykh, K.K., Silakin, O.E., Stepanov, M.V., Fedorenko, V.M. (2021). The State and the Ways of Development of the Systems of Centralized Heat Supply in Ukraine. In Two Books Book 1. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 262 p. [in Ukraine].
This information material is aimed at developing of the long-term plans for the transformation of obsolete district heating systems (DHS) into modern energy efficient systems. The general description and analysis of the condition of existing DHS of the cities and settlements of Ukraine are given. The regulatory framework in this sphere is described. The trends, plans and specific projects for the development of district heating in European countries are analysed. The conceptual provisions and the methodology for the development of long-term plans for energy efficient modernization of DHS are formulated. The main directions of modernization and development of the systems are considered. Modern tools for developing the long-term plans for the DHS modernization and effective operation, including geo-information systems, energy management systemsare are proposed.
Intended for employees of municipalities, heat supply organizations, scientists and specialists working in the municipal energy sphere, as well as for teachers and students of energy specialties of higher education institutions.