Methods and means of state control of compression of stator core powerful turbogenerators


Levytskyi Anatoly Stanislavovych – Leading researcher, senior researcher, doctor of technical sciences; Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Peremogy, 56, Kyiv-57, 03680, Ukraine.


Zaitsev Ieugen Oleksandrovych – Head of the department,  senior researcher, doctor of technical sciences; Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Peremogy, 56, Kyiv-57, 03680, Ukraine.


Kobzar Kostyantyn Oleksandrovych – Chief Designer of Turbogenerators, candidate of technical sciences; JSC “Ukrainian Energy Machines” Heroiv Kharkiv avenue, 199, c. Kharkiv, 61037, Ukraine


Titko Vladyslav Oleksiyovych – Senior researcher, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences; Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Peremogy, 56, Kyiv-57, 03680, Ukraine.



Reztsov Viktor Fedorovych – Deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor; Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine St. 20-a Hnata Hotkevicha Street, Kyiv, 02094, Ukraine.


Kensytskyi Oleg Georgiyovych – Leading researcher of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Peremogy, 56, Kyiv-57, 03680, Ukraine.Х


Yeremenko Volodymyr Stanislavovych – Head of the Department of Information and Measurement Technology of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Peremogy, 37, Kyiv-57, 03056, Ukraine.



Project: Scientific book

Year: 2023

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 140


ISBN: 978-966-00-1846-4

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Levytskyi, A., Zaitsev, I., Kobzar, K., Titko, V. (2023) Methods and means of state control of compression of stator core powerful turbogenerators. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 140p. [in Ukrainian].


The monograph is devoted to the development of new and improvement of existing methods and means of control of the stator core of powerful turbine generators (TG), which is one of the main components of machines and whose technical condition affects the technical characteristics and performance of machines.  The topicality of the work determined by the growing requirements for information and measurement systems for monitoring and diagnostics of powerful TG to ensure their reliable and trouble-free operation.

Shown that the main features of powerful TG, which determine the choice of technology to provide elastic compression of the stator core, are the method of collecting the core, the method of combining the core in the stator housing, the design of the end zone of the stator core and the cooling system.

The main factors of reducing the degree of compression of the core, which include technological, operational and structural analyzed.

The results of the analytical review of the existing methods of control and diagnosis of the state of compression of the stator core of powerful TG presented. The methods that are used or can be used for automatic control of the compression pressure of the TG stator core and the state of its compression are systematized.

It is noted that periodic diagnosis of the core of the stator TG reduces the likelihood of an accident, but does not guarantee the detection of defects that may occur in the repair period. The need to develop methods and means of detecting defects in the core that occur during operation of the machine, at the initial stage of their formation and development, which will provide a high rate of readiness, reduce downtime, reduce the cost of repairs TG.

The results of researches of methods of obtaining informative data on the state of compression in the end zones of the core during the operation of TG using sensors that measure the forces in the clamping prisms of the stator core and installed under the clamping nuts.

The results of research of methods of obtaining informative data on the state of compression in the end zones of the core during the operation of TG using sensors that measure the forces in the tightening prisms of the stator core and installed under the tightening nuts.

The principles of construction and design features of strain gauges, capacitive and fiber-optic sensors based on Bragg gratings installed under the tightening nuts described.

Shown that the capacitive method of measuring forces with the installation of sensors under the tightening nuts has some advantages over other methods due to the simplicity of the design of sensors, high metrological characteristics and noise immunity. The original force meters with differential and semi-differential capacitive sensors and elastic tubular force-receiving elements developed and researched at the Institute of electrodynamics of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine described. The results of researches of the force-receiving element are given and the errors of its transformation function “force in a prism – linear deformation – electric capacity” estimated.

A method for correcting the error of a semi-differential capacitive force sensor due to the skew of the electrodes of a variable capacitor because of bending the elastic element proposed. Correction to the use of variable design solutions of the electrode sensor and special algorithm for the operation of the secondary measuring transducer.

The method of measurement the compression pressure of the stator core using the meters of displacement of the cone disc springs in the power accumulators (PA) to stabilize the compression pressure of the core substantiated. Capacitive sensors of different types for measuring the displacement of cone disc springs in the PA have been developed and studied.

An improved electromagnetic method for identifying the compression of the stator core of the TG based on the use of contour turns, which installed in the extreme packages of the stator core proposed. A mathematical model has been created, with the help of which a qualitative analysis of the physical factors leading to the change of the component of the magnetic field induction normal to the surface of the steel sheets is performed.

Shown that during compression of the extreme packages of the TG stator core due to the decrease of the total eddy current in the steel sheets, the normal component of the magnetic field induction at the end of the stator core increases. A model of the electromagnetic field in the extreme packages of the stator core of powerful TGs in the presence of local depressing created. It is established that the proposed model based on the control of parameters and characteristics of the process of deformation of the electromagnetic field during local depressing allows determining the local deformed zones of the core. It is noted that the characteristics of the magnetic field depend on the degree of depressing and the location of the zone of such a defect.

A device for electromagnetic diagnostics of the shifted core of the TG stator is described and its efficiency is tested on a physical model.  It is determined that the following diagnostic parameters can be used for diagnosis by installing induction sensors on the end surface of the core on a certain radius in the number  of n ³ 2: the effective value of the EMF given in different branches, the constant of the Fourier series decomposition of the Bz function (axial component of magnetic induction) and the shift of the EMF phases given in the sensors. The results of researches of the offered device on large-scale physical model of TG with a power of 500 MW are given.

The principles of construction and features of functioning of computerized optoelectronic control systems and diagnostics of the degree of compression of the stator core of powerful TG with hybrid fiber-optic meters (HFOM) and with fiber-optic sensors are described. Structural schemes of GFOM of mechanical diagnostic parameters are developed.  Shown that these systems use of fiber-optic and microelectronic technologies provide a number of advantages when used on high-power TG.

A specialized optoelectronic converter of information signals, which is a part of computerized optoelectronic systems, has been created and researched.


powerful turbogenerator, stator core, pressing, monolithicity, control methods and means.


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