Thermophysical Aspects of Increasing Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings

S.M. Honcharuk

O.M. Lysenko

A.O. Avramenko

S.P. Denisyuk

O.V. Pryymak


Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the NAS of Ukraine

Project: Scientific book

Year: 2021

Publisher: PH "Naukova Dumka"

Pages: 229


ISBN: 978-966-00-1775-7

Language: Ukrainian

How to Cite:

Honcharuk, S.M., Lysenko, O.M. (2021). Thermophysical Aspects of Increasing Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 229 p. [in Ukraine].


The monograph is devoted to solving important scientific, technical and applied problems to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The current state of problems of improving the energy efficiency of buildings, the study of their heat loss, the use of individual heating points in both domestic and international practice is examined. The results of the energy audit of the administrative building, its heat consumption and the places with the highest level of heat loss are given. The results of research of features of a thermal condition of a premise, in particular for an intermittent mode of heating are presented. The results of comparative numerical studies of heat transfer through double-glazed windows are analyzed. The results of experimental researches of heat consumption of the building with use of the developed and implemented individual thermal points are stated.
Intended for scientific and technical workers in energy and development of energy-saving technologies, as well as for teachers, graduate students and students of universities of thermal engineering.



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